Lindsey Marie Fit

Online Coaching

Live more, Lift more, Love more


Complete the form

Complete this form to get one step closer to achieving your goals.


Wait to be contacted

You will receive a text from myself or someone on my team within 24-48 hrs.


You are all set

We will talk about YOUR goals and how I can help!

What do

you get?

Workout plans made for you

Workout Plans made for you to change your life one day at a time.

Your own meal plan

Clean eating doesn't mean boring we just need to spice things up.

We track your progress together

Progress tracking so I can hold you accountable and we can find solutiotion

Continuous communication

Communication is key I am here to guide you on your good days and bad days.

Workout plans made for you

Workout Plans made for you to change your life one day at a time.

Your own meal plan

Clean eating doesn't mean boring we just need to spice things up.

We track your progress together

Progress tracking so I can hold you accountable and we can find solutiotion

Continuous communication

Communication is key I am here to guide you on your good days and bad days.

A mockup of the coaching app showcasing the features.

Why choose

online coaching?

The coach is posing with beautiful smile.

I believe choosing me as an online coach you will get so much more than coaching. You gain a trainer who will train you to become to best version of yourself, a friend to help guide you on the hard days, a coach who will show you tough love to continue on a better path for yourself. Fitness is a lifestyle, it's not an easy lifestyle or everyone would be doing it. My goal is to provide you with the tools I never had so you can become the most confident version of you.

The coach is back posing while wearing white top.

There is no worse feeling than not feeling good about who looks back at you every morning. I understand that feeling I've been there myself I enjoy being that person for everyone else. I have 14 years of experience, a lot of failures lead me to this point of my fitness career, so if I can prevent someone doing the same mistakes I made in my first couple years, I will. My goal is to get people excited about fitness, change their mind than change their life!

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